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Html 5 - How To Zoom Canvas Background Image

I am a beginner in HTML 5, I have written a code for canvas zoom but I dont want to zoom actual canvas but the background image of canvas like in the f

Solution 1:

You can use drawImage as user2422324 suggests, but you must use additional arguments to scale the image while drawing it.

In addition, you must scale the background image to a temporary canvas because fabricjs expects an imageURL when setting it's background

Here's how the scaling works:

First, create a temporary canvas and set it's size to the zoom size you desire. For example to scale the background image to 200% you would do this:


Now use drawImage to both draw the background image to the tempCanvas. By supplying the last 4 arguments, the image will be scaled to the desired zoom (which is the current tempCanvas size).


    // the source of the draw will be the full background image0,0, myBackgroundImage.width, myBackgroundImage.height,

    // and this causes the full image to be scaled to fit the resized tempCanvas0,0, tempCanvas.width, tempCanvas.height

Then use fabricJS's setBackgroundImage to apply the scaled background. We can create the imageURL that fabric expects by using tempCanvas.toDataURL():

canvas.setBackgroundImage( tempCanvas.toDataURL(), function(){

Note that backgroundImageStretch=true may cause the image to proportionally distort. Instead, you might want to set backgroundImageStretch=false and set backgroundImageLeft/backgroundImageTop to offset the background image.

Here is a fairly complete, but totally untested starting code:

// this is the current scaling factor of the background image// hint: originally set it at less than full size//       so it doesn't pixelate when scaled up.var scaleFactor=.50;

// create a background image object we can later scalevar fullBk=document.createElement("img");

// create a temp canvas used to scale the bk imagevar zoomCanvas=document.createElement("canvas");
var zoomCtx=zoomCanvas.getContext("2d");

// scale the bk image and set it as the fabric backgroundfunctionsetBkZoom(scaleFactor){
    // scale the temp zoomCanvas to desired bk size// note: changing canvas width automatically clears it
    // draw a scaled version of fullBk to zoomCanvas
    // now use the scaled zoomCanvas to set the fabric background
        // stretch=true may cause your image to distort proportions// instead you might want to set backgroundImageLeft/backgroundImageTop // to offset the scaled image

Solution 2:

The easiest way would be to store the background image in an Image object and then rendering that with context.drawImage(img,X,Y,Width,Height);


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