How To Make A Jquery Mobile Popup Appear In Full Screen Of Device
I have been trying hard to make a popup appear in full screen in JQM but not able to do it Here is a fiddle And the code looks like this: HTML
Solution 1:
CSS solution:
This will apply to any popup.
.ui-popup-container, .ui-popup { height: 98%; width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left:0; }
JS solution:
Target specific popup.
$(document).on("pagecreate", "#pageID", function () { $("#sql").popup({ beforeposition: function () { $(this).css({ width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight - 14 }); }, x: 0, y: 0 }); });
Solution 2:
To avoid the default jQuery mobile padding of 15px for popups, and set the popup width to 100%, while not writing hard-coded values, you can do the following:
<div data-role="popup" id="sql"data-dismissible="false"data-tolerance="0">
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
$(document).on("pagecreate", function (event, ui) {
$("#sql").on("popupbeforeposition", popUpSql_OnBeforePosition);
functionpopUpSql_OnBeforePosition(event, ui) {
var horizSpacing = 5;
var vertSpacing = 5;
var horizPaddingBorderSize = $(this).outerWidth() - $(this).width();
var vertPaddingBorderSize = $(this).outerHeight() - $(this).height();
left: horizSpacing,
top: vertSpacing,
width: window.innerWidth - (horizSpacing * 2) - horizPaddingBorderSize,
height: window.innerHeight - (vertSpacing * 2) - vertPaddingBorderSize
This code also allows you to change the horizontal and vertical spacing of the popup, letting the shadow border visible.
Solution 3:
This code add a new method 'setText' to the widget mobile.popup defined in jquery sources. Use it to change the popup content. The popup will be centered on window automatically
<divdata-role="popup"id="popup-info"data-theme="b"class="ui-content" ><ahref="#"data-rel="back"data-role="button"data-theme="a"data-icon="delete"data-iconpos="notext"class="ui-btn-left">Fermer</a><divid="content"></div></div><script>
(function($) {
$.widget( "mobile.popup", $.mobile.popup, {
setText: function(_text) {
var newX = parseInt(($(window).width()-this._ui.container.width())/2);
var newY = parseInt(($(window).height()-this._ui.container.height())/2);
this.reposition( {x:newX,y:newY,positionTo:'window'} );
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