Vertical Line Spacer Between Two Divs
Solution 1:
Assuming your left nav div has a fixed height, or a height that doesn't change often. Let's suppose your left nav div has a height of 400px. Then:
div.leftnav {
height: 400px;
float: left;
div.rightContent {
min-height: 400px;
border-left: 1px solid gray;
Keep in mind, "min-height" is not supported by IE6.
Solution 2:
A repeating background image for the parent div with a vertical grey line positioned appropriately would be your best bet.
Solution 3:
You could let the navigation div have a border on the right, and the content div have a border on the left. Letting those two borders overlap should give the desired effect.
Solution 4:
i once solved this by using a background image repated on the y axis. Just create it as wide as your page and not very tall, maybe 10-20 pixels. and then just repeat it downwards. Kind of cheating maybe, but it works in some cases :p
One example of how I did it you can see on this website.
Solution 5:
The way I do this is to put the elements into a container div with overflow hidden. You then apply a left border to all repeating div's. Then, on all floating child elements you set the css properties: padding-bottom:2000px; margin-bottom-2000px;
div.vert-line>div{width:200px; float:left; padding-bottom:2000px; margin-bottom:-2000px;}
<div class="vert-line>
<div>Left Side</div>
<div>Right Side</div>
Hope this helps!
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