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Combine Foreach Loop And Counter To Add Dynamically Generated Html To The Beginning And End Of Every Nth Row

I am dynamically generating HtmlGeneric Controls with data in a DataTable. I need to concatenate HTML to the beginning and end of each group of 3. For example, my table looks somet

Solution 1:

Shane, what you are essentially doing is Paging through your Rows in your table, so focus on Skip and Take Linq extension methods. Below is a hasty sample

    // Data table that we are trying to page trough 
    List<string> rows = new List<string>() 
        " title1,body1 ",
        " title2,body2 ",
        " title3,body3 ",
        " title4,body4 ",
        " title5,body5 ",
        " title6,body6 ",
        " title7,body7 "
    //Result after paging 
    List<string> group = new List<string>();
    // Set your page size or pass in as a parameterint numberOfObjectsPerPage = 3;
    decimal totalRows = rows.Count; 
    int pages = (int) Math.Ceiling(totalRows/numberOfObjectsPerPage);
    for(int i=0;i<pages;i++)
            string rowText = "";
            // Get the rows in that page Focus on the Skip and Take methodsvar tempRows = rows.Skip(i * numberOfObjectsPerPage).Take(numberOfObjectsPerPage);
            // Now foreach page do something hereforeach(var row in tempRows)
                rowText = rowText + row.ToString();
            group.Add("div group" + rowText + "/div" );

    group.ForEach( g => 

you get something like this.

div group title1,body1  title2,body2  title3,body3 /divdiv group title4,body4  title5,body5  title6,body6 /divdiv group title7,body7 /div

Solution 2:

I think it's a good way to use two methods, one for creating start tag and one for end tag if needed, like this:

int counter=0, quantity;//make these global in your classpublicvoidCreateHtml()
        DataTable dtCards = GetData();
        quantity= dt.Rows.Count;
        foreach (DataRow row in dtCards.Rows)
        {   counter++;
            var titleText = row["Title"].ToString();
            var bodyText = row["Body"].ToString();
            CreateDiv(titleText, bodyText); //method to create HmtlGeneric Controls

        if (counter % 3 == 0 || counter == 1)
            //you code to create start 'CardGroup' div

        if (counter %3 == 0 || counter==quantity)
            //you code to create end 'CardGroup' div

Of course you can use for statment instead of foreach. and you can make DataTable global to use its Row.Count to get rid of counter and quantity.

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