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Getting A Form To Submit When The Enter Key Is Pressed When There Is No Submit Button

I've got a form that has no submit button and it would be great if the form is still submitted when the user hits the enter key. I've tried adding a hidden submit button, which gi

Solution 1:


functionsubmitOnEnter(e) {
    var theEvent = e || window.event;
    if(theEvent.keyCode == 13) {
document.getElementById("myForm").onkeypress = function(e) { returnsubmitOnEnter(e); }

<form id="myForm">

If there is no submit button, the form will degrade miserably if javascript is not available!

Solution 2:

Using jQuery (naturally):

$("#myForm input").keyup(
        if(event.keycode == 13){

Give that a try.

Solution 3:

onKeyDown event of textbox or some control call a javascript function and add form.submit(); statement to the function.

Happy coding!!

Solution 4:

Is this what you mean?


Solution 5:

This will require JavaScript. The easiest way to implement this with JavaScript if you don't know the language would be to use something like jQuery (much like what inkedmn said).

        $(document).ready(function() {
                if(event.keycode == 13){ // This checks that it was the Enter key
                    $("#myForm").submit(); // #myForm should match the form's id attribute

For more information on jQuery:

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