Mysql Running Total Of Payments Grouping By A Column, Share Code
I am trying to create a running total of payments for each portfolio of stocks/shares, where there are multiple stock purchase transactions for a given stock and portfolio, I need
Solution 1:
You can extend your existing query with another sub-query as follows.
@row_n := @row_n + 1 as row_n,
from ( select
@row_num := @row_num + 1 as row_num,
ceiling(dividend*quantity/100) as payment,
@balance := ceiling(dividend*quantity/100) + if (@prev_pfl = portfolio,@balance,0) as balance,
@prev_pfl := portfolio as prev_portfolio
from ( select
sum(quantity) as quantity
from test
group by portfolio, pdate,code, dividend
order by portfolio, pdate,code, dividend ) as SubQueryAlias1
cross join
( select @row_num := 0, @balance := 0, @prev_pfl := '' ) as InitVarsAlias1
order by portfolio, pdate,code) as SubQueryAlias2
cross join
(select @row_n := 0 ) as InitVarsAlias2
order by pdate,portfolio,code,row_num;
and it will provide you with the appropriate output as you requested.
row_n row_num code portfolio pdate dividend quantity payment balance
1 2 BLND AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-05-05 7.52 3286 248 248
2 3 AV. AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-05-17 15.88 2135 340 588
3 17 AV. SFT_DEA_CO 2018-05-17 15.88 2318 369 369
4 4 DLG AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-05-18 9.70 2732 266 854
5 18 DLG SFT_DEA_CO 2018-05-18 9.70 2789 271 640
6 5 SLA AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-05-23 13.35 2820 377 1231
7 19 SLA SFT_DEA_CO 2018-05-23 13.35 3247 434 1074
8 6 PHP AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-05-27 1.31 6947 92 1323
9 7 LLOY AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-05-29 2.05 15519 319 1642
10 14 LLOY SFT_DEA_CL 2018-05-29 2.05 40011 821 821
11 23 LLOY SFT_ISA_CO 2018-05-29 2.05 7973 164 164
12 1 FCPT AJB_SIPP_CL 2018-05-31 0.50 223 2 2
13 8 FCPT AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-05-31 0.50 5837 30 1672
14 9 RLSEB AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-05-31 1.80 5021 91 1763
15 21 FCPT SFT_ISA_CL 2018-05-31 0.50 3609 19 19
16 22 RLSEB SFT_ISA_CL 2018-05-31 1.80 2100 38 57
17 24 FCPT SFT_ISA_CO 2018-05-31 0.50 5136 26 190
18 25 RLSEB SFT_ISA_CO 2018-05-31 1.80 2100 38 228
19 10 LGEN AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-06-08 10.35 3923 407 2170
20 15 LGEN SFT_DEA_CL 2018-06-08 10.35 10652 1103 1924
21 11 BP. AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-06-23 7.67 2130 164 2334
22 12 RDSB AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-06-23 35.02 436 153 2487
23 16 RDSB SFT_DEA_CL 2018-06-23 35.02 1292 453 2377
24 20 BP. SFT_DEA_CO 2018-06-23 7.67 446 35 1109
25 13 CNA AJB_SIPP_CO 2018-06-29 8.40 7512 632 311
Good Luck!
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